
Showing posts from December, 2019

How The Laser Printer Works.

Laser printers are truly amazing machines. Think about it: They accept an input of electrical pulses through a wire with a fancy plug. Seconds, mere seconds, later they eject a perfectly printed document. That document can include any number of fonts, lines, illustrations, and photographs. To the uninitiated, it looks like a miracle Demystifying the miracle is the first step toward becoming a qualified repair technician. While it may not be strictly necessary to understand something to fix it -you fix your headache by taking an aspirin, but you don't understand what's happening in your brain-true confidence and competence in your technical abilities will only come with a thorough understanding of the way the printer operates. Often on a repair call, I can determine what is wrong and what I'm going to do just by listening to the printer go through its cycle. Invariably, I can form a detailed diagnosis after the machine has printed, or at least tried to print, a page. I